Homemade Immune Boosting Herb Stock

In these trying times, every little thing can help. The best way to prevent any disease is to have a strong immune system, ready to fight any infections and viruses. In a previous post I showed you how to make homemade immune boosting tea blend or the homemade fire cider. Today, let us take a look at this homemade immune boosting herb stock recipe, that you can make in your kitchen right away.

Do you know which herbs have immune boosting benefits? This recipe calls for seven of your favorite herbs. You should already have these readily available in your herb garden. Although the stock can be enjoyed as is, it is best to use it as the base for your soup and stews. When all is said and done, you should have about 12 cups of stock ready to boost your immune system.

Immune Boosting Herb Stock
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Photo credit: omnomally.com

Here’s What You’ll Need:

As always since you are dealing with fresh produce, make sure that you wash everything thoroughly before prepping as instructed. All blemished or blackened leaves should also be thrown away. Everything goes into the stock pot with water and left to boil and then simmer uncovered for up to 45 minutes. Strain your stock and store in the fridge for up to 7 days unfrozen or up to 3 months frozen.

You can get the full recipe & instructions on the Om Nomally blog, here…

Immune Boosting Garden
Herb Stock Recipe

You can watch the video below on Five Herbs that Boost the Immune System…


You can watch the video below on Super Immune Boosting Chicken Bone Broth…

You can watch the video below on Using Herbs and Spices to Improve Your Health…

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