How To Grow Yellow Onions

You know when you have tried the ordinary or the normal, you always have to start experimenting with the different. Since we have already looked at how to grow red onions, in an earlier blog post, I thought it would be only right if we also look at their cousins today. I am talking about how to grow yellow onions.

Clearly they are several different onion varieties available for you to ‘experiment’ with in your garden. This particular one is a favorite of many, since it is considered a high yield crop. What that means is that you only need a small area to grow enough onions for your family to enjoy. Although it is not recommended that you plant from seed, that is why I always plant the bulbs instead.

How To Grow Yellow Onions
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

The best location for your onions in your garden is an area which receives full sun. Before planting make sure that you work the the compost and any manure into the bed. When planting you want to plant each bulb pointed end up at least half an inch below the surface. Use in row spacing of 3 to 4 inches and row spacing of at least a foot apart.

Water weekly and apply fertilizer once in the beginning and then again about 4 weeks later. Thinning out the onion sets is recommended as this encourages the growth of larger bulbs. When applying mulch make sure that it does not touch the top of your bulbs. The onions should be ready for harvest within 100 days at which time the bulbs will be about 3 to 5 inches in diameter.

You can get step by step instructions on the Home Guides blog, here…

How To Grow Yellow Onions

You can watch the video below on Growing Yellow Onion from Bulbs, Days 102-111…

You can watch the video below on How To Grow Onions…

You can watch the video below on How to Plant Senshyu Yellow Onions/Overwintering Onions …

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