Homemade Salmon Seasoning Recipe

When it comes to fish salmon is definitely one of my favorites. Over the years I have shared several recipes with you such as the firecracker salmon recipe and the honey mustard salmon recipe. Today, I thought I would share the best salmon seasoning recipe, I have ever used.

When it comes to easy salmon recipes, you can not beat this one. All you need is 7 ingredients that are commonly found in any kitchen. This is the base of your seasoning, however if you have other spices or herbs that you would like to throw in there, then go wild. Sometimes I like to add some crushed red pepper flakes, just to give it that spicy kick.

Homemade Salmon Seasoning Recipe
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Photo credit: heygrillhey.com

Here’s What You’ll Need:

First thing to note is that this seasoning is for immediate use. Measure out your ingredients and combine everything in the bowl. When ready, you can then sprinkle the seasoning over your salmon. The seasoned salmon can then either be grilled or baked. You can squeeze the juice from the lime over it before or during the cooking process.

You can get the full recipe & instructions on the Hey Grill Hey blog, here…

Sweet & Smoky Salmon Seasoning Recipe

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