How To Grow Broccolini

As someone who enjoys gardening, I am really happy that more and more of these new vegetables are popping up each year. We have already looked at how to grow broccoflower and also how to grow kalettes, right. Today, I thought we should focus all our attention on how to grow broccolini.

Have you heard of hybrid vegetables before? Well, this is one of them. What they did is they combined the broccoli we all know with its Chinese cousin gailan. The end result is broccoli which has more smaller heads instead of just one large one. Most people like to eat it raw, but others pefer to either grill it or steam it and use it is stir frys, soups, casseroles and more.

How To Grow Broccolini
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • broccolini seeds
  • seedling trays
  • seed starting mix
  • compost or manure
  • wood ashes
  • mulch
  • compost tea
  • fish emulsion

The journey begins about 6 weeks before the last frost, when you plant your seeds indoors in trays. Your soil must be slightly acidic and don’t forget to work in some compost or manure before planting. When it is time to transplant plant spacing is about 24″ apart. Make sure you apply a layer of mulch immediately after planting.

As far as watering is concerned, it is recommended that you give your plants at least an inch of water every week. For an added nitrogen boost, you can either spray on compost tea or a diluted fish emulsion fertilizer. They are ready for harvest just before flowering but when the heads are fully formed. It’s a cold climate vegetable, therefore it can be grown in the Fall too.

You can get more information on the Gardening Channel blog, here…

How To Grow Broccolini

You can watch the video below on The buzz about Broccolini…

You can watch the video below on Edible Gardening : How to Plant Broccolini…

You can watch the video below on How to Plant Broccolini…

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