Homemade Flavored Salts Recipe

Most people just use ordinary salt in their homes and that is perfectly fine. However sometimes you need to deviate a little from the ‘ordinary’ like with the homemade corned beef recipe and the homemade oat milk recipe. You can easily do so by trying to make this homemade flavored salt in your kitchen today.

It is important to note that this homemade recipe is very versatile. What I mean by that is, you simply have to switch around the herbs to create a different flavor. This particular one will leave you with the garlic and herbs flavor, but don’t limit yourself to just that one. It should take anywhere between 20 to 30 minutes from start to finish, the bulk of the time being the ‘cook’ time.

Homemade Flavored Salts Recipe
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

The oven will be in use sometime in this recipe, therefore make sure that you preheat it before you start. The cloves will need to be peeled before you chop them coarsely. The other two herbs however will be chopped finely. Everything goes into the food processor before you pop the baking sheet into the oven. Store your homemade salt in an airtight container or glass jar.

You can get the full recipe and instructions on the As Easy As Apple Pie blog, here…

Homemade Flavored
Salt Recipe

You can watch the video below on How to Make Herb Flavored Salt…

You can watch the video below on Flavored Salts Recipe: DIY Christmas Food Gifts…

You can watch the video below on homemade flavored salt…

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