Just when you think you have everything figured out, you discover a whole new and often easier method. In the past we have made homemade banana jam, homemade mixed berry jam and homemade plum jam. I never knew we could use an instant pot to make jam, until I discovered this instant pot strawberry jam recipe on a homesteading group board.
You know I love to do my research online, and I have since discovered a ton of other homemade instant pot jam recipes, which I will be sharing in the coming months. Making jam this way is way easier than the traditional way, plus you can add as much or as little sugar as you like. There is no pectin required for this method, however since you will be cooking the strawberries, the flavor is going to be slightly different from the freezer jam option.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- fresh strawberries
- granulated sugar
- lemon juice
- cornstarch
- water
- Instant Pot Pressure Cooker
- cutting board
- sharp knife
- mason jars
Wash, clean and hull your strawberries before cutting them into halves ready for cooking in the pressure cooker. The lemon juice as well as the sugar also goes in there, then I give everything a good mix and let sit for about 15 minutes. Fire up the cooker for about 60 seconds, then leave to slowly release pressure.
When safe to open, you can add the cornstarch and water mixture. Fire up the cooker again, but this time you use the ‘sautee’ function. The mixture should slowly come to a boil, as you stir to mix everything. Turn off the cooker and allow the jam to cool. Store in your fridge for up to 3 weeks or in your freezer for a for a full year in mason jars.
You can get the full recipe & instructions on the Tastes Better From Scratch blog, here…
Instant Pot Strawberry
Jam Recipe
You can watch the video below on Instant Pot EASY Strawberry Compote – 1-min. | 3-Ingredient | No …
You can watch the video below on Instant Pot Strawberry Chia Jam Recipe Without Pectin | No Pectin …
You can watch the video below on Instant Pot Strawberry Jam Recipe…