There are not many meals out there, that can be prepared without these. That is why you see them in many gardens. We have covered how to grow iitoli onions, how to grow red onions and even how to grow sprouted onions in previous blog posts. In today’s post we want to talk about how to grow vidalia onions.
The tricky thing about this onion variety is that it is only legally allowed to be grown in certain areas in the state of Georgia. You also have to prepare your soil well, otherwise you will experience an epic fail when you try grow this variety in your garden. Most chefs prefer these onions because of their unusual sweet taste, that is usually compliments your cooking.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- granex onion seeds
- powdered limestone
- super phosphate
- sevin (optional)
They are planted in the late Fall, for harvest next Summer. Also the soil has to be prepared first you have to neutralize the sulfur, that takes about a month. Only after then can you add super phosphate to fertilize the soil and then plant your seeds. As far as diseases and pests are concerned keep an eye out for the whitefly. The plants will be dormant through the winter and start growing again in Spring, ready for harvest in late Summer.
You can get step by step instructions on the Hunker blog, here…
You can watch the video below on How to Grow Vidalia Onions…
You can watch the video below on Fertilizing Vidalia Onions – Any large bulb onion…
You can watch the video below on Growing Vidalia Onions…