If you are growing stuff in raised garden beds, then you are going to enjoy reading today’s post. In the past I have shared other soil mixes with you such as the diy inexpensive potting mix and the diy succulent soil mix. Did you know that you can also make your own diy raised garden bed soil mix?
In order to have a good soil for your raised garden beds there are three main components that you must have. First of all you must have some nutrients, secondly you must have something that helps to retain moisture and lastly you will need some sand for aeration as well as drainage.
This is a cheaper way to go if you want to save money and avoid buying expensive pre-made mixes.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 2 parts compost or manure
- 1 part peat moss
- 1 part course sand
- shovel
- wheel barrow or bucket
- garden gloves
Step By Step Instructions
Step 1.
Measure your components using either
a wheel barrow or bucket and dump them
into your raised garden bed area.
Step 2.
Use your shovel and hands to mix
everything together.
Step 3.
That’s it, your soil is ready.
You do not have to be exact with your measurements, therefore do not waste too much time trying to level out your wheel barrow or bucket. I found it easier to work on one bed at a time, but you may prefer to mix everything on a tarp and then shovel into your beds. Do whatever works for you. Happy raised garden bed gardening! 🙂
You can watch the video below on Inexpensive Raised Bed Soil Mix – Fill your Garden for less…
You can watch the video below on Raised Bed Garden Secret Super Soil Mix…
You can watch the video below on the best soil for raised garden beds…