Steakhouse Style Garlic Mashed Potatoes

Just because you are living off grid, does not mean you cant enjoy ‘steakhouse style’ food. LOL. There is never a shortage of potatoes on our homestead, we have some grown in old tires, others in chicken wire towers and others in this diy easy harvest potato planter. This gives us the luxury of making delicious recipes like this steakhouse style garlic mashed potatoes recipe.

I hope you are ready to add yet another tasty potato recipe to your collection. The prep time for this one is almost half the total cook time of about half an hour. I find that using red potatoes gives the mashed potatoes a nicer looking color than using the ordinary brown skin ones. But hey, if you don’t have any red ones don’t sweat it use whatever you have available.

Steakhouse Style Garlic Mashed Potatoes
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

Start off by boiling the chicken broth in the large pot and then dump the cubed unpeeled potatoes into the broth with the garlic. After about 15 minutes the potatoes should be ready for the next phase. Use the colander to separate the potatoes from the broth. All that is left is to mash up all the ingredients in the bowl. This is usually about the time, I start telling myself what a dumb idea it was to make mashed potatoes. LOL

You can get the full recipe and instructions on the Stay At Home Chef blog, here…

Steakhouse Style Garlic
Mashed Potatoes Recipe

You can watch the video below on How to Make Steakhouse Style Garlic Mashed Potatoes…

You can watch the video below on Garlic Mashed Potatoes Recipe…

You can watch the video below on How to Make Mashed Red Potatoes…

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