Привет! LOL Actually you don’t have to speak or understand Russian to enjoy these tomatoes. A few weeks back I shared the pickled cherry tomatoes recipe which was well received. It looks like this ‘pickling’ thing is now in my blood. I recently attempted this Russian style pickled tomatoes recipe and even I was surprised with the results.
I haven’t checked to confirm but apparently there are many versions of these Russian tomato recipes. The only problem is that most of them will be in Russian, so let’s just go with this one. The ingredients include a bevy of herbs and spices. As I always recommend, just use whatever you have available or fancy. This recipe should take a whole hour, when you include both the prep and cooking time.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- tomatoes
- dill
- coriander
- black currant or horseradish leaves (optional)
- garlic cloves
- peppercorns
- cloves
- bay leaf
- carrot (optional)
- chilli pepper (optional)
- paprika pepper (optional)
- bell pepper (optional)
- water
- salt
- sugar
- white vinegar
- canning jars
- medium pot
- Pyrex measuring jug
- water bath canner
- ladle
- jar lifter
- kitchen towel
Since we ware dealing with fresh produce, makes sure that everything is washed before pickling. The jars should be sterilized too, after you wash your veggies. About half an hour is needed for prep and then you can start packing everything into the jars. The herbs go into the bottom, then you layer the tomatoes on top until you fill up the jar.
With your jar layered, you can make the brine. Bring to a boil the salt, sugar, vinegar and water. Ladle the brine into the jars and wipe the rims before screwing on the lids. Process the jars in your water bath canner for 15 minutes. Lift them from the canner onto the kitchen counter and leave them to seal overnight. There is no need to refrigerate, unless the jars are not sealed! 🙂
You can get the full recipe and instructions on the Peter’s Food Adventures blog, here…
Russian Style Pickled
Tomatoes Recipe
You can watch the video below on Ukrainian Kitchen…
You can watch the video below on Pickled Red And Green Tomatoes Recipe…