Are you ready to turn your fresh strawberries into syrup? It is actually not a complicated process at all, if you are following this canning strawberry syrup recipe. In previous posts I have already shared this canning maple syrup recipe, this canning stewed tomatoes recipe as well as this canning rhubarb recipe. If you missed any of those, feel free to check them out when you’ve a minute.
Anywho, I have always found water bath canning recipes, easier than the other canning methods. Not only are they a lot simpler, they also tend to use cheaper equipment. Of course, I am a bit concerned about the amount of sugar required by this recipe, however without it making the syrup would be almost impossible. You’ll need about one and half pounds of strawberries to produce a pint of syrup. As it would have it, cooking time is only 45 minutes whilst prep time is about half an hour.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- fresh strawberries
- sugar
- lemon juice
- butter
- vanilla
- salt
- pint jars with lids & rings
- water bath canner
- canning utensils
- large stock pot
- paper towels
- kitchen towel
We are dealing with fresh fruit therefore we have to make sure we wash the strawberries first, before we can begin canning them. Once they are clean we can prep them as instructed. The sauce is made by boiling the strawberries, sugar and lemon juice in the pot for about 30 minutes or until the contents have reduced in volume by approximately half.
The rest of the ingredients are added to the syrup just before you start filling up the jars. Also make sure to skim off any foam that may have formed at the top of your syrup. I find that using a wet paper towel or cloth to wipe off the rims before screwing on the lids helps them seal properly. Process the jars in your water bath canner for at least 15 minutes, then use the jar lifter to lift them out onto the kitchen counter or table to seal.
You can get the full recipe & instructions on the Jamie Cooks It Up blog, here…
How To Make Canned
Strawberry Syrup Recipe
You can watch the video below on Water Bath Canning For Beginners! Strawberry Syrup!…
You can watch the video below on Canning Strawberry Syrup…
You can watch the video below on Home Canned Strawberry Syrup…