How To Make Fresh Herbs Last Longer

We as food consuming human beings, just love enjoying our food fresh. There is no question about. Even when it comes to herbs, you may have discovered how to dry your herbs without a dehydrator or even how to freeze your fresh herbs to preserve them for future use. However, I am sure just like me, you would be more interested on how to make your fresh herbs last longer, right?

Do you know the best way to store fresh herbs? The truth of the matter is that there are different ways of storing different herbs.You can increase the lifespan of tender herbs such as parsley and cilantro by up to 21 days. Hardy herbs like rosemary and thyme too. There are 3 different ways to achieve this, don’t worry it is not rocket science anyone can do this.

How To Make Fresh Herbs Last Longer
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

The first thing you must do before trying to store any fresh herbs, is to wash them. If you have a salad spinner, you can give them a nice swirl in cold water and the set them to dry out on some paper towels. Patting them with dry paper towels, will also help dry them faster.

Method 1: How To Store Hardy Fresh Herbs

When storing your hardy herbs thyme, sage, rosemary, savory and chives dampen some paper towel a little bit. Lay your herbs on the paper towel and then roll them up in it. Take this herb bundle and either wrap it in plastic wrap or enclose in a ziploc bag, before storing in your fridge.

Method 2: How To Store Tender Fresh Herbs

The tender herbs which include cilantro, chervil, tarragon, mint, parsley and dill should have the stem bases snipped first. Any dying or wilting leaves should be plucked off, before transferring to a mason jar. Add about an inch of water and then screw on the lid. If the lid does not fit, use a plastic bag and rubber band instead. Place the jar in your fridge.

Method 3: How To Store ‘Special’ Fresh Herbs

The process for storing basil is pretty similar. The only difference is that the herbs are not covered by a lid or plastic bag. Also it is better to store it at room temperature away from direct sunlight and not in your fridge.

Ultimately exposure to light or oxygen, the amount of moisture and the storage temperature are the main factors that affect how long your fresh herbs will last. With a little practice, you should be able to preserve the freshness for more days at a time.

You can get more information on the Serious Eats blog here…

The Best Way To Store Fresh Herbs

You can watch the video below on how to make your herbs last longer…

You can watch the video below on making fresh herbs last longer…

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