How To Freeze Fresh Herbs

Here is a little trick I learnt last week, that will help me preserve my fresh herbs. It is the simple method that involves freezing your fresh herbs, that helps you enjoy them fresh for longer.

This is so simple, it takes less than 10 minutes to prep. Works for all types of herbs from cilantro, basil, parsley, rosemary etc. Of course since freezing is involved you will have to wait a few hours for your herbs to freeze.

How To Freeze Fresh Herbs
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • fresh herbs
  • chopping board
  • sharp knife
  • small bowl
  • small saucer
  • ice cube trays
  • water
  • Ziploc bags
  • teaspoon (optional)

Make sure you wash, chop and remove any stems on your fresh herbs. Put small amounts into each section on the tray, before filling up with water.

After they are frozen, you should remove them from tray and store in the Ziploc bags in your freezer for up to 60 days. When you need some fresh herbs, just grab a few blocks from the bag and use them as needed.

You can follow step by step instructions on Money Saving Mom blog, here…

How To Freeze Your Fresh Herbs


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