How To Freeze Fresh Corn On The Cob

Isn’t it annoying that most of the good stuff from your garden is mostly available during the summer growing season. That is the reason we are always trying to come up with ways to preserve as much as we can. When it comes to growing sweet corn, I have shown you already how to freeze it by removing it off the cob, as well as the art of canning fresh corn. Today’s post will look at how to freeze fresh corn on the cob.

When it comes to freezing fresh produce, we have been taught to first blanch before freezing. However, what if I told you that with corn, you can sometimes skip this extra step. It all depends on how fresh your corn is, if you are getting it fresh from your garden or the farmer’s market go ahead and skip the blanching. When you are not sure how long it has been, since it was harvested then it becomes necessary to include the blanching process.

How To Freeze Fresh Corn On The Cob
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • fresh corn
  • ziploc bags
  • scissors
  • large pot (optional)
  • water (optional)
  • large bowl (optional)
  • ice cold water (optional)

Although, you maybe tempted to just dump your corn in the bags, it would not hurt you to take a little time to clean them up a little would it? What I do is just remove the handles on the bottom, and then snip off some of the ears too. Sometimes they have way too many husks, just peel off one or two. Don’t leave the cobs naked, though. Corn frozen using this method, can be stored for up to 9 months and still taste super fresh the day you decide to cook it.

You can get step by step instructions on the Tip Garden blog, here…

How To Freeze Fresh
Corn Instructions

You can watch the video below on How To Freeze Corn on the Cob – WHEW At All This CORN!!…

You can watch the video below on Freezing Fresh Sweet Corn….

You can watch the video below on Freezing sweet corn on the cob…


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