Sweet Corn Square Foot Gardening

You know I would prefer to grow a lot of corn and then either freeze it or can it, I have a lot of space that allows me to do that in my backyard. However, if you have limited space or what small quantities of corn, why not try thie sweet corn square foot gardening method.

You only really need a square foot of space, but you can add more squares to stagger your corn. This will allow you to enjoy corn for longer periods during the summer months.

Sweet Corn Square Foot Gardening

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • corn seeds
  • compost
  • organic fertilizer
  • chicken wire (optional)
  • netting (optional)

Of course you will have to prepare the area you want to grow your corn and measure your squares. As far as seed planting is concerned it is recommended you plant four seeds per square for best yields. Keep an eye out for various pests that attack corn such as stink bugs.

Make sure you use good organic compost and fetilizer. Keep your corn well watered until the ears are ready for harvesting. If you find your corn leaning or falling over, netting can be used to keep the stalks upright. A chicken wire cage can be built around the garden, for protection from other animals like your goats.

You can get more information on the Square Foot Gardening Forum here…

Sweet Corn Square Foot Gardening

You can watch the video below, on how to plant square foot corn…


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