It is only in the presence of light, that one can find their way in the darkness. Since most of us are afraid of the dark, we’ve often devised clever ways to keep the light on. I don’t know if you have seen the posts on the diy mason jar citronella candles and the diy mason jar tiki torches. Anywho, today I would like to add on to that list with these diy wine bottle candles.
It’s interesting how many diy wine bottle projects, you can uncover with a simple Google search. I love them because not only are they usually pretty simple, they are also a great way to recycle and reuse empty wine bottles. Make sure that you thoroughly clean the bottles and remove all the labels. If you prefer scented candles you can either use your favorite candle fragrances or essential oils. Do you see the light, at the end of the tunnel? LOL
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- empty wine bottles
- bottle cutter
- digital thermometer
- large pots
- sandpaper
- soy wax
- wooden wicks
- glue gun
- candle fragrance (optional)
- essential oils (optional)
- ice
- water
- double boiler
We begin by using the bottle cutter to create the score line on the bottles. Then it’s a game of one dip in the hot pot and then a quick dip in the cold pot, until the wine bottle separates into two pieces. We then move on to sanding down any sharp edges and then melting the wax. Attach the wicks to the bottom of the bottles first, before pouring in the wax. The wax is left to cool down and harden (preferably overnight) and the candles should be ready for use the very next day! 🙂
DIY Wine Bottle
Candles Instructions
You can watch the video below on How to make Wine Bottle Candles…
You can watch the video below on EASY How to make DIY Wine Bottle Candles…
You can watch the video below on Sunrise DIY – Turning a wine bottle into a candle…