I really enjoy turning your world upside down and introducing things that you may have never imagined. I mean we use them everyday in the kitchen using for baking in the oven, like with these frozen homemade waffles recipe or the homemade oreo cookies recipe. I bet you never imagined using cookie sheets for making something like these diy cookie sheet chore charts, right?
Well, my love for easy diy crafts led me to these awesome discovery. The funny thing is I never thought we needed one of these, until I saw them. You are going to need a chart for each one of the kids and some motivating prizes to offer them for the successful completion of each chore. I went as far as letting them choose their favorite color for the spray paint, just for that extra personalization effect.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- cookie sheets
- pro thermal laminator
- 8.5″ x 11″ laminating pouches
- scissors
- quick-dry adhesive
- expressions decals
- 3/4″ circle magnets
- washi tape
- spray paint
- card stock
- hot glue gun
- circle paper punch
- die cutter
- handheld drill
- orange ribbon
- chore chart and progress chart templates
The templates are vital to the overall look of your chart, make sure you choose and download good ones. They will need to be laminated, spray painted and then cut out. The magnets will each have a chore picture attached. Your child’s name, “To Do” and “Done” letters will be cut out of card stock and attached to the top of the sheet.
The washi tape divides the sheet into the respective sections. All that will be left to do is to glue on the progress chart and thread through the ribbon that will be used to hang the chart from the wall. Don’t forget to attach the prize to the end of the progress charts. Without the prizes the charts may not be as effective. LOL
You can get step by step instructions on the Craftaholics Anonymous blog, here….
You can watch the video below on DIY Magnetic Chore Chart for Toddlers!…
You can watch the video below on DIY Wednesday Cookie sheet chore charts…
You can watch the video below on Easy Chore Chart | Dollar Tree…