Oh what a nuisance these pesky lil’ buggers can be. So much so that you would do just about anything to get rid of them. We have already used the diy magical mouse box as well as the diy 5 gallon bucket mouse trap solution. Until recently, I had never tried using this homemade mice repellent spray, which works like gangbusters.
I am an advocate for using diy natural solutions, whenever possible. This is why I really like this as an option for controlling the mice that may try invade our homestead. Since mice can’t stand the smell of peppermint, this natural spray is a great way to deter them from going into places you do not want them to enter. No harsh chemicals, just 2 simple readily available natural ingredients.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- water
- 10 drops peppermint essential oils---------------------- Advertisement ----------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------- - empty spray bottle
Step By Step Instructions
Step 1.
Fill your spray bottle with water.
Step 2.
Add at least 10 drops of the essential oils.
Step 3.
Give the bottle a really good shake
to mix everything well, before use.
That is all there is to it. This simple solution will help you control your mice problem. However, since it has to be reapplied often, you can opt for a longer lasting solution. Instead of using the spray you could just place a potted peppermint plant, right next to your door. Kill two birds with one stone, not only are you protecting your home from mice, you will also have the fresh herb available for your recipes in the kitchen.
How To Use? Simply spray the mixture around all the areas that mice may try to use to enter the house. This includes your doorways as well as your window frames. Repeat with a new application, once every week for maximum results.
You can watch the video below on Homemade Mice Repellent….
You can watch the video below on Quick Tip: Simple and Natural Mice Repellent…