Although growing your vegetables in your garden is way more fun, sometimes you have no choice but to consider pots. I have already shown you how to grow red cabbage, how to grow chinese cabbage and also how to grow a second cabbage crop per season. Today we will be looking at how you can also grow cabbage in containers.
I try by all means to cover different aspects of container gardening every so often on this blog. I understand that some of the blog readers may have limited space for growing produce, therefore their only option is to grow vegetables in containers. The good news is you can still grow enough vegetables to feed your family when you use containers. Containers are also great for use in your greenhouses.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- cabbage seeds
- potting mix
- 5 gallon container
- seedling starter mix
- seedling tray
Sow your cabbage seeds indoors, so that they are ready for transplant into your containers after the last frost. This is of course, if you are growing them during the summer season. For the fall crop adjust your dates accordingly. When the seedlings are about a month old they will be ready for transplant into the containers. It is recommended that you plant one cabbage per 5 gallon container.
You can get more information on the Urban Gardening Ideas blog, here…
How To Grow
Cabbage In Containers
You can watch the video below on How to Grow Cabbage in Containers – Complete Growing …
You can watch the video below on Growing Cabbage in Containers | From Seedling to Harvest …
You can watch the video below on How to Grow Giant Cabbage in Containers / Complete Guide …