It looks like this week is going to be ‘tomato week’. LOL. That is okay, we all love juicy tomatoes in our gardens ,right? After growing your tomatoes the easy way, you may end up with one of the most common early ‘tomato gardening’ problems. With this in mind, I have dedicated this post to showing you how to fix leggy tomato plants.
These are gardening techniques that may save your next tomato seedlings. Therefore make sure that you keep them handy at all times. That way you will be able to quickly evaluate your situation, identify your specific problem and then deploy the relevant fix. Sometimes it may be a zero cost quick fix, other times you may have to spend a little extra money. However, the good thing is that once you’ve identified your mistake/error this season, it is highly unlikely that you will repeat it again the next gardening season.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- large containers
- grow lights
- Miracle-Gro Shake ‘n Feed
- small irrigation system
There are a number of reasons why your tomato seedlings may become tall and leggy. One of the main ones tends to be the lack of adequate sunlight. This maybe brought on by various factors such as early seed sowing as well as too little exposure to daily direct sunlight. The fix simply involves finding a larger container that allows you to re-pot and bury the seedlings deeper. Then instead of relying on sunlight you can put the seedlings under grow lights, that is if it is still too cold to leave your seedlings outside.
You can get more detailed tips & fixes on the It’s Garden Thyme blog, here…
How To Fix
Leggy Tomato Plants
You can watch the video below on How To Successfully Deal With Leggy Tomato Seedlings…
You can watch the video below on What to do when your tomatoes get too tall or leggy…
You can watch the video below on What to do with leggy tomato plants…