We have seen them… dirty eggs fresh from the nesting boxes. Sometimes you are just way too busy to be bothered. However, it is still not a bad thing to actually learn how to clean your chicken eggs. Would it kill you to wash your eggs, every now and again? I think nooooo! LOL
Even though the title specifically targets chicken eggs, I have successfully used these two methods to clean my duck and quail eggs too. I am talking about the dry method VS the wet method. You do not need any specialized equipment, in most cases a sponge will do the trick. Whichever method you choose, remember you are dealing with eggs, therefore always handle with care.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- dirty eggs
- sponge
- super fine grain sand paper
- scrubber
- warm water
- bowl
- kitchen towel
Ok, so there are two general methods that you can use to clean your eggs. The dry method, which does not involve using water is the usually the recommended one. This is because it does not interfere with the coating that protects your egg from oxygen and bacteria and allows it to be stored at room temperature.
When the dry method, doesn’t work you are left with no choice but to deploy the wet method. This will no doubt clean your eggs, however you will now have to store them in the fridge. Also try to cook them as soon as possible since the outer protective layer has been breached.
You can get more detailed instructions on the Elliot Homestead blog, here…
You can watch the video below on How to Clean Chicken Eggs…
You can watch the video below on How I Clean Farm Fresh Eggs…
You can watch the video below on WASHING LOTS OF CHICKEN EGGS THE EASY WAY – Perfectly …