Hey, a girl has gotta look pretty sometimes too. Ok, truth be told it has been a while since I have applied any makeup in the longest while. I mean I have been treating myself with some homemade fash wash and even homemade recipe. However, I also discovered this homemade mineral makeup foundation recipe and I thought I should share it too.
If you are into homemade mineral makeup recipes, this one may not be new to you. Unlike the store bought versions, this one is way more affordable and combines all natural ingredients – no harsh chemicals. You can easily find the perfect shade for you, by simply adjusting two of the ingredients. The recipe itself, does not require any cooking, if you can mix ingredients you are good to go.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- arrowroot powder
- bentonite clay
- cocoa powder
- cinnamon
- ginger
- lavender essential oil (optional)
- glass jar with lid
- small bowl
- wooden spoon
The base for the mineral foundation powder is a mixture of the arrow root powder and the bentonite clay. This make a translucent powder that can be applied by pretty much anyone. The lavender essential oil can also be added to this base, but it is optional. With the base in place, you can move on to the coloring phase.
The cocoa powder goes in first and that give the base a pinkish tone. Cinnamon will give you the warmer skin tones, add ginger for the yellow skin tones. The back of your hand can be used to test the shade. I would jot down the exact amounts added, so that it is easier and faster to replicate the ‘perfect shade’ each time you make this. Store in an air tight glass jar, until ready for use.
You can get the full recipe and instructions on the Freebie Finding Mom blog, here…
Homemade Mineral
Powder Foundation Recipe
You can watch the video below on How to make Foundation at home according to your skin type & skin …
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