What do you do with all your leftovers? Stuff them in plastic containers and place them in your fridge? Do you remember those diy bowl pot holders, we made a few weeks back? I really enjoyed making those, and that is why today I decided to share these diy fabric bowl covers too.
I know most people just use either plastic wrap or have purchased special plastic covers for their bowls. Ever since I discovered these, I prefer to use them instead and have made quite a few. A whole drawer full actually. Oppsie. In the long term, it is probably going to be cheaper for you to use these since they are washable and reusable.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- cotton fabric
- 1/4 inch elastic cord
- sewing machine
- coordinating thread
- iron
- fabric marker
- bowls
- pinking shears
- safety pins
- needle
Even if you purchase the fabric, it is always recommend that you give it a wash and then iron it before getting started. For the pattern and measurements, you are going to use the actual bowls. Trace out the lip of the bowl and then add an additional inch or two. Use the pinking shears to cut your fabric.
The elastic cord will need a channel to hold it in place. This is created by stitching about half an inch around the fabric. Once the elastic is in place, you should hand stitch to join the ends and then also close the opening. Otherwise, you maybe searching all over your kitchen floor for a rouge elastic cord every time you use these covers.
You can get full pattern and instructions on the Hearth And Vine blog, here…
You can watch the video below on How to Sew a Reusable Fabric Bowl Cover with Crafty Gemini …
You can watch the video below on How To Sew Reversible Washable Fabric Bowl Covers…
You can watch the video below on How to sew fabric bowl covers…