Hey, I have always said that although I am a homestead girl these days, it does not mean that I have to stop doing all the ‘girly’ stuff I used to do. Which would explain the posts on the homemade himalayan salt body spray and the homemade anti aging cream. You may also want to try this homemade aloe green tea face scrub recipe.
I love that this face scrub contains two of my favorite healthy ingredients. I am talking about green tea and aloe vera gel. Oh, and then there is also some coconut oil. The end result is a great scrub that also moisturizes your skin. You can adjust the amount of ‘scrub’ by adjusting the amount of sugar you use. Are you ready to exfoliate your skin and leave it feeling extra smooth?
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- coconut oil
- sugar
- aloe vera gel
- green tea bags
- vitamin E oil
- tea tree essential oil
- glass jar
- scissors (optional)
With one little quick snip with the scissors, you can open up the tea bags so that the contents can be mixed in with all the other ingredients in a small bowl. I usually mix everything for a good 5 minutes, just to make sure the face scrub is just right. It is pretty much ready for application after the blending together of the ingredients, go wild! 🙂
You can get the full recipe on the Sweet Simple Living blog, here…
Homemade Aloe Green Tea
Face Scrub Recipe
You can watch the video below on ALOE GREEN TEA SCRUB…
You can watch the video below on Apply This Aloe Green Tea Scrub For Younger Looking Skin…