What do you usually do with your old lamps? Throw them away perhaps or store them away somewhere they will never see the light of day again. I know you love projects such as this diy plastic drawer storage system and this diy picture frame tiered tray. With that in mind, I thought I should share this diy upcycled lamp side table in today’s post.
Undoubtedly, there are plenty of diy upcycling projects you could try, some being easier than others. This one falls into the ‘easy’ category, there isn’t many moving parts and that is what grabbed my attention. The two main components can easily be salvaged for free, thus making it super affordable too. I think you can set aside an hour or two on one of your weekends to complete this one. No power tools required, it’s indeed very beginner friendly.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- old metal lamp
- glass or ceramic platter
- liquid nails Fuze*It
- spray paint
The first thing you’ll have to do is take apart the lamp and that involves removing any electrical cords too. However you take it apart, when you reassemble it you should end up with some sort of lip at the top which you can attach the platter to. Once the platter is securely attached, you can then move on to the spray painting, it is recommend that you use a primer/paint combo for best results.
You can follow step by step instructions on the Shabby Creek Cottage blog, here…
How To Turn A
Lamp Into A Side Table
You can watch the video below on HOW TO TURN AN OLD LAMP INTO A SHOWROOM STYLE….