Although we try to use other renewable sources of energy for cooking we still make use of our wood stoves quite a bit. We have mainly been using the diy propane tank wood stove and the diy metal barrel outdoor wood stove. However, I think I will get the hubby to build this diy wood stove that is made from old tire rims.
You know I am a fan of diy re-purposing projects, and this one is just perfect. Most of these old rims often find their way into landfills, but now you can turn them into something new. If you are not good with the welding machine, you may want to get someone to weld the rims together. Fortunately, my beloved hubby has some experience with the welding machine, he will take care of that.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- old tire rims
- welding machine
- steel wool
- heat resistant Rustoleum black paint
- bricks
- tape measure
- marker
Make sure that you are using strong rims for this project. You are going to need to cut through the rims, and then weld them together. That is the hard part. After sanding down the whole ‘stove’ the painting will require a little patience though, as you have to wait for each coat to dry, before adding another coat. Remember to use heat resistant paint only!
You can get full step by step instructions on the iSave A 2 Z blog, here…
DIY Wood Stove
Made From Tire Rims
You can watch the video below on DIY Wood Stove made from Car Wheels!…
You can watch the video below on [How To] Make A Steel Wheel Wood Burner Easy Diy Project…
You can watch the video below on Wheel Rim Wood Stove – boiling water 6m 30s…