Why don’t they just get the pollen from the flowers, you ask? Well they do, but sometimes they need a little help. Besides we have already built this diy bee bath, for the bees to take a dip in. I do not see anything wrong with setting up this diy pollen feeder for bees too.
As usual, a quick search on Google will leave you with a long list of diy pollen feeders. So I volunteered to do all the hard research work for you, so you can just go straight into building yours. This one is not only an easy build, it also requires affordable materials that are available from any local hardware store. It should not take more than 30 minutes to set this up.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 4″ PVC pipe
- end cap
- PVC sewer & drain downspout adapter
- PVC glue
- hacksaw
- pollen substitute
- garden t-post and bungee cord (optional)
Ok, so grab your PVC pipe and get started by using the hacksaw to cut a section about a foot long. Then you want to shut off the one end using the end cap. This protects your dry pollen from any harsh weather. The other side of the pipe is where you install the drain downspout adapter. Now it’s time to locate a place in your backyard where you can hang your new pollen feeder.
You can get step by step instructions on Carolina Honey Bees blog, here…
How To Make A Pollen
Feeder For Bees
You can watch the video below on Beekeeping- PVC DIY Pollen Feeder for bees…
You can watch the video below on DIY Dry Pollen Feeder in action…
You can watch the video below on Inexpensive Substitute Pollen Feeder…