What if you could skip the seed planting and germination portion of each gardening season, for at least some of the plants. Not only would it free up your time so you can concentrate on other plants, but it would most likely save you money on buying seeds. This is why I am a fan of planting some self seeding vegetables in my garden.
What are self seeding vegetables? Well, simply put they are veggies that will produce their own seeds or roots at the end of the season. If left in the ground these seeds will germinate next season without you having to do any extra work. Often called ‘volunteers’ these plants can also be used to guide you on when the soil in your is ready for transplanting. In addition to plants that produce seeds, there are also some self seeding root and vine plants.
Here’s a list of some of my favorite self seeding vegetables…
1. Tomatillos
2. Lettuce
3. Onions
4. Cucumbers
5. Beets
6. Zucchini
7. Pumpkins
8. Carrots
As for the plants like tomatillos, lettuce and onions that produce seeds, it is simply a matter of leaving them in the ground long enough for them to produce seeds and disperse them. The root crops like beets and carrots should be allowed to grow their stalks and produce seeds. The vine crops like pumpkins and cucumbers have their seeds within their fruit. Instead of harvesting the fruit simply leave it out in your garden to rot and ultimately re-seed, in the same general area.
You can get more information on the A Life In The Wild blog, here…
You can watch the video below on Top Self Seeding FREE & Easy Food Plants from the Vegetable…
You can watch the video below on Self-Seeding Vegetable Garden Tour at SeedSavers Network…
You can watch the video below on 5 Leaf Vegetables You Can Grow and Never Buy Seed Again…