This has got to be one of my favorite birds. Boy I just love all the beautiful colors, especially when they decide to show off their feathers. We have already talked about how to care for geese and also how to raise turkeys at home. In today’s post we will be taking a look at how to care for peacocks.
Also known by their scientific name Pavo cristatus, they are actually a pretty interesting bird to raise. Did you know that the collective term for the birds is actually peafowl? The term peacock is in fact reserved for the male bird. Unlike the other birds on the homestead, we won’t be raising these for meat, in hopes of one day indulging in a ‘peacock burger’ for dinner. Nevertheless, there are specific things that you should generally be aware of in order to improve your chances of success.
1. Space
It is very important that your peafowl have enough space. The more room they have the better. It is also recommended that their pens are at least 80 square feet for each bird. In addition, you should allow a height of about 8 feet. This will reduce the risk of disease and if you are keeping more than one, there will be less fights as well.
2. Safety
Just like for the other birds and poultry, there are predators out there waiting to pounce on your peafowl. Constructing a tree house will allow them to be able to roost high up, out of reach of most of the predators such as foxes and coyotes. You can also enclose their pen with chicken wire and the include a shelter made from wood for nesting within it. The pen should be kept dry and warm at all times.
3. Food
It goes without saying that their pens should always have water available for your peafowl. Each bird can survive on just two handfuls of mixed grain daily. You can feed them the same feed as all the other birds on your homestead. Peanuts and sunflower seeds are also an essential part of their diet, as well as your green veggies like kale and cabbage. Try your best to include these, so that they make up at least 5% of their diet.
FYI: Although there are three different species available. The best and probably easiest to raise would be the Blue Or Indian Peafowl. Not only is it less aggressive, it also tends to be tamer and the most adaptable one.
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You can watch the video below on All About Peacocks…
You can watch the video below on How to Care for Peacocks…
You can watch the video below on Peacock Cold Weather Questions, Peacock Minute, peafowl …