Usually around this time of the year, I tend to share more delicious soup recipes on this blog. I thought I would switch things up a little. I think I have shared a few other chili recipe before, do you remember the vegan lentil hili recipe and the best chili recipe ever? Since we grow sweet potatoes in our garden every year, I recently tried this sweet potato chili recipe.
Actually this may end up being one of your favorite sweet potato recipe. It is a very simple recipe, yet the end result is not only delicious but also very hearty. You are going to need 4 spices to give flavor to your 7 ingredients. I wonder if you can substitute the sweet potatoes with ordinary potatoes? Hmmmm, now there is something to consider trying one of these days. Your chili should be ready in about 35 minutes. Let’s get cooking, shall we?
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- ground beef
- yellow onion
- green pepper
- garlic
- tomatoes
- red kidney beans
- sweet potatoes
- beef stock
- fresh oregano
- ground cumin
- chili powder
- cayenne pepper
- salt
- pepper
- sharp knife
- cutting board
- large pot
Wash, dry and prep all your ingredients as directed. Then you can move on to cooking the beef in the pot, to which you will add your onions, garlic and pepper. After saute-ing these ingredients you can then add the rest of them. Now all that is left is to simmer until the sweet potatoes become tender. That will tell you that the chili is now ready to be served. Instructions for using a slow cooker to make this chili are also available.
You can get the full recipe & instructions on the Not So Modern blog, here…
Hearty Sweet Potato
Chili Recipe
You can watch the video below on Sweet Potato Chili Recipe…
You can watch the video below on How to Make Sweet Potato Chili…