I am sure you have heard someone say ‘it’s the simple things, that matter before’. This is definitely true especially when it comes to pruning your plants. That is why I have already shared how to prune tomato plants, how to prune blueberries and how to prune basil on this blog. In today’s post we will be taking a look at how to prune your pepper plants.
You should generally be pruning all your plants and trees that are supposed to be pruned. In most cases, like for the pepper plants it will lead to healthier plants and higher yield. Take some time to research on the various pruning techniques and you could drastically increase your yield. Some plants will call for the infamous ‘pruning shears’, whilst others can be done by hand.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- pepper plants
- pruning shears (optional)
- gardening gloves (optional)
So, there are a few methods that you can use. One of the most popular ones is snipping off a third of the seedling top to promote growth. The other one involves pinching off the blossoms of the young plants, again this promotes overall growth including establishment of the root system. Whichever one you choose, always make sure that you thin out your seedlings to one per pot.
You can get more tips on the Sandia Seed blog, here…
How To Prune
Your Pepper Plants
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You can watch the video below on Pruning Pepper Seedlings for Maximum Production || Black Gumbo …
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