How To Prune Your Fruit Trees

Growing fruit trees is something that I enjoy doing, in addition to all the other gardening activities. In our little orchard we are currently growing apple trees, growing lemon trees , growing nectarines and growing apricots just to name a few. When growing fruit trees, you need to learn how to prune fruit trees the correct way.

How To Prune Fruit Trees
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Why Should Your Prune Your Trees?

When you prune your fruit trees, you want to promote growth and ultimately bigger, juicier fruit. The cuts that you make with your pruning shears, are where new growth will take place. It is recommended that you prune regularly during the early years of your new tree. Pruning every single year allows the air and sunlight to circulate freely around your tree. As a result, there will be fewer diseases and pests that will attack your trees.

When Is The Best Time To Prune?

Wait until your trees fall dormant and lose all their leaves. This exposes the tree and makes it easier to cut in the right places. However, if you want to slow down the growth of your trees then you can go ahead and prune them during the growing season.

What To Prune From Your Trees?

Often trees will have branches that grow vertically or even downward at 90 degree angles. The vertical branches are useless as they usually will not produce any fruit. The downward ones are notorious for producing small fruit. Any branches that are dead, damaged or diseases should also be removed.

Don’t be lazy, allocate adequate time and resources to ensure regular pruning of your trees. Treat your fruit trees the same way as the vegetables and herbs in your garden. If you are able to do this, you will be able to enjoy bumper fruit harvests too.

If you’re to lazy to do it yourself, feel free to contact Baton Rouge tree pruning service for all our tree service needs, including tree trimming, cutting and removal.

You can get more information on the Garden Lovin blog here…

How To Prune Fruit Trees

You can watch the video below on how to prune fruit trees properly…

You can watch the video below on how to prune young fruit trees…

You can watch the video below on Pruning Fruit Trees in the Home Orchard… 

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