Are you familiar with this ‘new’ superfood? Some of us have had it growing in our gardens for many years and we thought it was just a weed. Thank goodness, these scientists (God Bless Their Souls) have now discovered the numerous health benefits. Now we can stop worrying about it taking over our gardens and start enjoying it instead. Just like the previous posts on how to grow acai berries and how to grow pomegranates, I think we should take a look at how to grow purslane too.
Portulaca oleracea is originally from India and Persia. Also commonly known as duckweed, fatweed, pursley and little hogweed. Before they discovered that it was actually a superfood, it had a reputation as a very aggressive weed. As far as health benefits are concerned, it is high in alpha-linolenic acid, an essential omega-3 fatty acid and beta carotene. As for the taste, it’s very crunchy and you get hints of lemon when you serve it raw in salads. Purslane can also be added to soups, stir-fried or even steamed.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- purslane seeds, stems or cuttings
- compost
- small spade
The best part about growing purslane, is that since it has weed-like characteristics it can grow pretty much anywhere. I would recommend you opt for planting the cuttings over sowing the seeds. It also thrives in pretty much any light conditions, whether full sunlight or shade, it doesn’t matter. As you probably would have guessed, pests and diseases are not an issue either. The only real problem you are going to encounter, is trying to contain it to one area in your garden.
You can get more information on the Gardening Channel blog, here…
You can watch the video below on Easiest way to grow Purslane from cutting ( Portulaca Oleracia…
You can watch the video below on Grow Purslane From Seeds…
You can watch the video below on How to Harvesting Purslane Seeds in Pots…