How To Grow Corn In Pots

He who said that corn can only be grown outside and during the summer months lied. Alright I know I recently shared an amazing way to freeze fresh corn on this blog. For those of us who prefer to can your corn, I also showed you how to do that. Today I thought we should take a look at how to grow corn in pots.

If you have limited gardening space, this is definitely something you should give a try. However, be forewarned that your harvest may not be as good as if you had grown your corn in the ground. In order to improve your yield, it is recommended that you opt for dwarf corn varieties such as Trinity which only grows about 5 feet tall.

How To Grow Corn In Pots
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

The best size of container to use for growing your corn should be at least a foot deep. Fill your container with good potting soil and make sure that it has adequate drainage holes. When planting your seeds, plant them in rows about an inch deep. The closer the better as it helps with pollination.

Mulch should be applied around your plants, and fertilizer about 2 and a half months after planting your seeds. Water every 2 to 3 days. Place your container in an area that receives a lot of sunlight as well as some air. Your corn should be ready for harvesting anytime from 2 to 3 months after planting, it all depends on the variety.

You can get more information from the Balcony Garden Web blog, here…

How To Grow Corn In Pots

You can watch the video below on Growing Sweet Corn In Containers…

You can watch the video below on Container Corn “Growing Corn In 5 Gal. Buckets”…

You can watch the video below on Growing Sweet Corn in Containers…


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