What is the best way to enjoy fish in your opinion? I would say after fresh fish, I tend to prefer smoked fish. This is why many years back we built this diy filing cabinet smoker and we still use it to this very day. However, when we end up with way more fish than we can consume fresh or smoke, we end up drying some of the fish and the rest is frozen.
I don’t know if you have noticed, but most dehydrating recipes tend to be super easy. The only drawback is usually the long hours or days that you have to wait for the whole process. In this post we will be using either your food dehydrator or your oven for drying. It is recommended that your dry fresh fish for the best results. Also low fat fish like Cod, Pollock, Haddock, Mackerel, Sardines, Herring as well as Tuna are better for drying than the higher fat ones.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- fresh fish
- kosher salt
- water
- sharp knife
- jug or pitcher
- big bowl or container
- oven
- food dehydrator
- air tight container
- baking pan
Strap on real tight, it is going to be a wild four day adventure. Make sure you clean, gut and descale your fish before you begin. Then you want to rub the fish with salt so that it’s evenly covered both inside and outside. The fish will be dried on a rack, every day you fire it up for 15 minutes and then leave the fish uncovered inside until the next heating session. It should take at least 4 days to fully dry the fish, sometimes a day or two extra.
You can get full step by step instructions on the An Off Grid Life blog, here…
You can watch the video below on How to dry a fish…
You can watch the video below on HOW TO DRY FISH IN THE OVEN/fresh/smoked …
You can watch the video below on How To Make Dry Fish At Home – How To Preserve Fish Part 1…