Homemade Natural Hair Conditioner

Just the other day, my lovely hubby commented on how ‘different’ my hair has been looking of late. I was not offended at all, for I know that I have been neglecting it. I mean I have been using the homemade shampoo recipe, I shared on this blog a few years back. But it looks like times have changed, so the decision has been to start using this homemade hair conditioner for natural hair.

These days my hair is as natural as any hair will ever be, so this is the perfect solution me thinks. With just 4 main ingredients and a few minutes, you are good to go. That super ingredient coconut oil, makes yet another cameo but is joined by its cousin avocado oil. These two are primarily responsible for moisturizing your hair and restoring it to its natural glow. Of course when you combine all 4 ingredients you end up with just the right mixture for conditioning your hair.

Homemade Hair Conditioner For Natural Hair
Photo credit: freebiefindingmom.com
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

As much as I would like to make this recipe seem complicated, it is an impossible task. Once you have all your ingredients measured out and ready, you simply add everything to the mixing bowl. Turn on the mixer, and let it do its job, whipping well everything together. Scoop out the conditioner and store in whichever container, you have available.

For usuage directions, it is recommended that you apply the conditioner to your hair after you shampoo it. The best way is to start from the ends and work your way up. I never know how long to keep it on, before washing it away but nowadays I just go with anywhere between 2 to 5 minutes. I figured it is long enough to get the hair worked on, but not too long at the same time.:)

You can get full recipe & instructions on the Freebie Finding Mom blog, here…

Homemade Hair
Conditioner For
Natural Hair

You can watch the video below on Homemade Hair Conditioner…

You can watch the video on How to Apply Conditioner in Your Hair After Shampoo…

You can watch the video below How To Make Your Own Hair Conditioner…


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