I know it is not considered healthy, but my little princesses love to chew and blow bubbles. Just like the homemade caramel recipe and the homemade brownie mix recipe, I occasionally make some just for them. When the time comes, I turn to this homemade bubble gum recipe that I found online.
Just like most homemade candy recipes, this one is super easy to make too. You will need 7 ingredients altogether and some of them you are not commonly found in pantries. A quick trip to the grocery store is needed or perhaps you can order them online. Although a microwave speeds up the heating process, you can also heat up the ingredients in a small saucepan on your stove.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- gum mix
- citric acid
- powdered sugar
- corn syrup
- food coloring
- flavoring
- glycerol
- microwave-safe bowl
- rolling pin
- sharp knife
- air tight container
The recipe requires you to initially heat up and mix everything but the sugar and flavoring. The idea is to get everything to melt before you can then add in the food coloring. The sugar is then slowly kneaded into the gum mixture once it has cooled down. If you do not like sticky messes, you definitely will not like that kneading process. My girls usually want to ‘help’ so they can lick their little fingers afterwards. LOL
You can get the full recipe and instructions on the Stay At Home Mum blog, here…
You can watch the video below on HOW TO MAKE HOMEMADE BUBBLE GUM – EASY RECIPE…
You can watch the video below on How to Make Homemade Bubble Gum…
You can watch the video below on How to Make Homemade Bubble Gum…