Potatoes are a staple is some countries, but here we like to enjoy them every now and again. Over the years I have shared various ways to grow them on this blog such as diy chicken wire potato tower, growing potatoes in upside down buckets or growing potatoes in old tires. If you are still growing yours in your garden, then you will probably find this diy potato hiller handy.
One of the easiest ways to save money on tools for your gardening projects is by making them yourself. This tool is basically just a couple of 2x4s strategically screwed together, in order to get the ‘hilling’ job done. If you can reuse some of your scrap wood, you are going to reduce the total cost of the project. This project should not take you more than an hour to complete.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- 2×4s
- 16”x16” plywood
- 1/2” @ 16” long
- 3” screws
- 1 1/2” screws
- 3” strap hinges
- miter saw
- jigsaw
- tape measure
- marker
- handheld drill
Unfortunately, you are going to have to measure and cut your plywood before you can get started. Once you have all the cuts, you can then start making the base. The base will have cross braces installed, before you can attach the hiller extensions. The handles are attached to one end of the strap hinges and the other end is attached to the base. That’s it your hiller is ready to go.
You can get full step by step instructions on the Homestead Acres blog, here…
DIY Potato Hiller
You can watch the video below on Homestead Series Building A Potato hiller….
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