As the world makes a shift from plastic shopping bags to reusable bags, you may want to bookmark this post. Instead of buying one of those reusable shopping bags, you can just easily make you own diy eco shopping bag from a pillowcase. This is very similar to other projects like the diy magazine coasters and the diy old jean slippers project from previous posts.
Although, this was probably my first pillow re-purposing sewing project, boy was it a lotta fun. There are only 4 steps to the whole project, therefore it should not take more than an hour or so to make one of these. Of course, if you do not have any old pillows lying around the house you may actually have to go out shopping and buy a few. A sewing machine will definitely speed things up in the sewing department, however these bags can easily be hand sewn too.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- old pillowcase
- scissors
- marker
- sewing machine
- sewing essentials
The first thing I did was iron my pillowcases, that was even before I started folding and drawing on the handles. Then it was time to cut out the handles for the bag by simply cutting along the lines. With the handles cut out, all that is left to do is a little sewing, hemming and stitching so that you end up with some clean edges. These are nice little bags to have, I actually like mine!
You can get the full pattern and instructions on the Sew In Love blog, here…
DIY Pillowcase Eco
Shopping Bag Pattern
You can watch the video below on How to Make a Grocery Bag from a Pillowcase…
You can watch the video below on How to make a shopping bag out of a pillowcase…
You can watch the video below on Upcycled pillow case shopping bag…