It is true for most homesteads, including ours of course. We tend to care more about raising chickens than other poultry. Since I already published a post on how to make your own diy chicken first aid kit. I thought it would only be fair if today we looked at how to assemble your diy duck first aid kit.
This kit is perfect for all duck breeds and is also very similar to the one for the chickens. In fact in order to save some money, I would just keep the general items for use with either the ducks or the chickens. Then have any duck specific items in their own little clearly labelled bag. You may not see the value of having one of this kits readily available, until the day you have to take care of your sick duck.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- disposable gloves
- non stick gauze pads
- small dropper or syringe
- small scissors
- small nail clippers
- Vetericyn
- Vetrap
- surgical scalpel
- duck boots
- Neosporin without pain relief
- saline solution
- Vetrx
- Sav-A-Chick
I never though it was necessary to have one, until one my ducks was sick and then it spread to the other ducks in a just a few days. That’s when I realized the importance of a hospital ward in addition to all the items in the first aid kit. Besides the general supplies, your kit has everything you will need to treat missing feathers, foot wounds bumble foot, eye as well as respiratory problems. Aren’t the duck boots are the cutest thing ever? LOL
You can get more detailed information on The Cape Coop blog, here…
You can watch the video below on How To Care For Your Pet Duck…
You can watch the video below on Duck Care Tips…
You can watch the video below on Caring for ducks…