I know a couple of people, who definitely need one of these in their cars. However, I won’t name and shame. Instead I will just send them over to today’s blog post on how to make a car air freshener. And who knows, maybe whilst they are here they can also check out the posts on how to make a diy mason jar air freshener, how to make homemade gel air freshener as well as how to make homemade natural air freshener spray.
There are quite a few options available when it comes to diy car air fresheners, when you do a quick Google search. Personally I found this one, to be the easier ones to assemble. Not only that, you can also ‘reuse’ it by simply adding a few more drops of essential oils. When selecting the material to use for this diy project, choose darker colors. They help conceal any stains from the essential oils.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- cardboard
- scissors
- material
- pen or marker
- cookie cutters
- spray adhesive
- thread
- essential oil of your choice
You can follow detailed step by step instructions on the Suburbia blog, here…
For some weird reason, I am always stuck on the Christmas tree shape when it comes to tracing the shape and cutting out the cardboard. When it comes to the thread, I opt for old shoe laces and glue them to the cardboard. With your material cut and glued on, you can then add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. It’s not a secret anymore, that lavender is my go to scent. I don’t know why, but I just absolutely love it! 🙂
DIY Car Air
Freshener Instructions
You can watch the video below on How To Make Car Freshies / DIY Make Your Own …
You can watch the video below on How to Make a Car Air Freshener….
You can watch the video below on EASY DIY Unicorn Car Air Freshener Felt Cookies Tutorial…