DIY Barn Door

Today was just one of those days when I felt like ‘playing’ with the power tools, making something but nothing complicated. Something similar to this diy simple outdoor bench or this diy pvc wood carrier project. There is this diy barn door idea, that I ran into on Pinterest that I have been wanting to build for months.

It is supposed to be a simple 30 minute project, that any level diy-er can build. At the same time it is incredibly cheap and affordable. I will be re-using some leftover wood, but if I wasn’t the required materials should cost less than 10 bucks. I have the perfect location for this door, but first lets get to constructing it, shall we?

DIY Wood Barn Door
Photo credit:
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

If your wood is not of equal length this is the first order of business. Once you have all the boards ready, you can lay the out on the ground next to each other and then mark where the support boards will go. Six inches on both the bottom should be just about right. Then cut those boards to size too.

Lay down the boards back in position and use the nail them in place. At this point, you are literally done. Just attach the wall hooks and if you want to stain or paint the door, go wild. You will probably need an extra pair of hands to install the door. I am only saying this, because the first time I tried to do so alone, I failed miserably. LOL

You can get step by step instructions on the Gathered In The Kitchen blog here…

DIY Barn Door Plans

You can watch the video below on how to make a sliding barn door…

You can watch the video below on the $40 barn door…

You can watch the video below on how to build a custom barn board Door with mirror…


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