Homemade Chicken Scratch Recipe

If you are raising chickens on your homestead you may already know that they love their homemade treats such as the homemade chicken pops.What if I told you there is a homemade chicken winter treat that can make that they eat up like crack?

Your chickens will absolutely love this homemade scratch treat, so much so they get excited when you put some in their coop. However it is does not contain all the nutrients they need, although digesting it helps generate much needed heat in the winter.

Make Yoour Own Chicken Scratch
Photo credit: fresheggsdaily.com
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • cracked corn oats
  • barley
  • wheat
  • flax seed
  • sunflower seed
  • raisins
  • garlic cloves (optional)
  • olive oil (optional)
  • berry container (optional)

For the basic recipe all you need to do is mix all the dry ingredients in a container and then give them a scoop of it in the early afternoon a few hours before the dark creeps in. As an alternative, you could make it more fun for them by playing the scratch in a container, such as an empty plastic berry box.

There is another variation of the recipe you can make that infuses garlic cloves and olive oil into the homemade scratch feed. You can use this to provide a little variety every now and again, like we do. Your chickens will clear out either one of these treats, that you give them. It’s the perfect winter chicken treat. 🙂

You can get more information on the Fresh Eggs Daily blog, here…

Homemade Chicken Scratch Recipe

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