If you are raising any livestock on your homestead, you know how expensive feed can become. This is why in the past I have shared this homemade fermented chicken feed recipe as well as this homemade organic chicken feed recipe. You can further reduce the cost of your feed if you learn how to sprout barley grains for your chickens.
There are many different sprouting grains that you could use, however barley tends to be easier to use and more readily available. Just make sure that you use the organic grains. These sprouted grains can be used to feed other poultry as well including turkeys, ducks, guinea fowl and quail. For calculation purposes, you can expect 7 pounds of sprouts from each pound of grains.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- barley grains
- fresh water
- mason jar with straining lid
- baking dish or tray (optional)
Before you begin, you have to make sure that you have thoroughly rinsed your grains. After that you can move on to soaking them in a large tray. Strain the grains before spreading them in either your mason jar or tray. It will take about 5 days for grains to reach the required harvesting height of 4 inches. Every single day you have to rinse the grains at least twice.
You can get step by step instructions on the A Farm Girl In The Making blog, here…
How To Sprout Barley
Grains For Your Chickens
You can watch the video below on How to Grow Barley Sprouts in the Winter…
You can watch the video below on Barley sprout superfood for livestock….
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