How To Grow Strawberries Using Chives

Hmmm, what a combination right? Who would have ever thought that those two plants would compliment each other. But, it is what it is. Yep, you can actually grow the best strawberries using chives. Since I have already shown you how to grow strawberries and also how to grow chives in previous blog posts. We are now going to combine the two!

There are a lot more strawberry growing tips, available on the inter web. For example, they are other companion plants such as rhubarb, horseradish, marigolds, onions, spinach and sage you can consider. But generally, if you plant your strawberry plants correctly, fertilize them with the required nutrients and cover them with mulch you should end up with a descent harvest.

How To Grow Strawberries Using Chives
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

There’s two reasons why you want to grow chives as a companion plant to strawberries. The first reason is because the chives help to repel any bugs or pests that may want to attack your strawberry plants. The second reason is that, you can use the chives to fertilize your patch. Chives have potassium and calcium which is required by your strawberries to grow.

You can get more detailed information on the Gently Sustainable blog, here…

How To Grow The Best
Strawberries Using Chives

You can watch the video below on Why You Should Mulch Strawberries & Companion Plant Chives…

You can watch the video below on Strawberries, Chives, Lavender, Lilac & Peonies

You can watch the video below on 11 Best Strawberry Compamion Plants (And Plants To Avoid)…

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