Yesterday, when I shared the post on how to make homemade mixed berry jam, it got me thinking about the various ways of growing the berries. I have already shared how to grow raspberries in your garden in a previous post, as well as how to grow blueberries and blackberries. I thought I would share how to grow raspberries in pots, in today’s post.
There are many different varieties of raspberries such as the Autumn Bliss,Meeker,Heritage as well as Nova. They all have their own characteristics, and often end up different colors when ripe depending on the variety. However, one thing is common in all of them, they love to take over the garden if allowed to. This is why it is recommended that you plant them in pots for effective containment.
Here’s What You’ll Need:
- raspberry rhizomes or plants
- 24″ container
- organic fertilizer
- fish emulsion fertilizer
- potting soil
- mulch
Make sure your container or tub has sufficient drainage, before filling it up with the potting soil. You can then plant the young seedling in the middle of the container, and water it before sitting the container in an area that gets enough sun everyday. If you want to move the plant into the garden or backyard, you can simply bury the pot in the desired location.
There is very minimal maintenance care required, pretty much water regularly and remove any weeds. Apply a layer of mulch to help conserve water and also keep the weeds at bay. Fertilizer can be applied once a year and pruning can be done twice in the Spring and in the Fall. Keep an eye out for skeletonizers and spittle bug nymphs, cane borers, and crown borers.
You can get more information on the Backyard Food Growing blog, here…
How To Grow
Raspberries In Pots
You can watch the video below on Planting Raspberries In Containers…
You can watch the video below on How to Grow Raspberries in Containers…
You can watch the video below on How to Grow Raspberries in Pots with Nourse Farms & VSU College …