How To Grow Oranges From Seed

So after I did a quick search on the blog, I realized that somehow after all these years we still had not looked at how to grow oranges from seed. I mean even after we have looked at how to grow grapes from seed, how to grow apricots from seed and even how to grow nectarines from seed.

The thing is that there are quite a number of citrus fruits that you can add to your orchard. Most of them require patience, when it comes to growing from seed simply because it ends up taking longer for them to start producing fruit. That is why most people prefer to just buy a young tree from the nursery and transplant that instead.

How To Grow Oranges From Seed
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • oranges
  • bottle
  • paper towel
  • water
  • container or pots
  • regular soil (compost mix)
  • plastic container (optional)

Find yourself some juicy oranges to collect seeds from. You are going to have to cut them in half, extract the seeds and then peel the seeds to remove the the coating. The seeds are then placed on a damp paper towel which is then folded and slide it into the bottle.

I suppose instead of a bottle, you can use any type of air tight container. Unlike similar germination processes, you do not wait for the seeds to germinate before transferring them to the small containers with compost mix. Now it is just a matter of making sure that the seeds are kept warm as they germinate and the seedlings start to grow.

You can follow step by step instructions on Instructables, here…

How To Grow
Oranges From Seed

You can watch the video below on how to grow oranges from seed…

You can watch the video below on How to: Grow Orange Trees from Seed (A Complete Step by Step …

You can watch the video below on How To Grow Orange Trees From Seed – The EASY Way!!!!…

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