Homemade Refrigerator Deodorizer

Nobody enjoys the nasty smells that often times come out of our homes. A few weeks back I shared the recipe for homemade potpourri and before that this homemade stinky shoe spray. Today we will be adding on to that list when we look at this homemade refrigerator deodorizer recipe.

There are quite a number of different homemade refrigerator deodorizers that you can make. Even this particular recipe allows you to make different scents depending on your choice of essential oils. Not to mention that besides the essential oils, you only need one other ingredient for your deodorizer. Goodbye stinky fridge, let’s get started shall we?

Homemade Refrigerator Deodorizer
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Photo credit: lemonslavenderandlaundry.com

Here’s What You’ll Need:

So unless you have worked out how to do your measurements, it is recommended that you use the jar to work out how much baking soda to add to the bowl. Then you also have to figure out how many drops of the essential oils to add for the right scent balance for your deodorizer. Once thoroughly mixed you can return to the jar, and then place the jar in your fridge.

You can get the full recipe & instructions on the Lemons Lavender And Laundry blog, here…

Homemade Refrigerator
Deodorizer Recipe

You can watch the video below on DIY Fridge Deodorizer…

You can watch the video below on Homemade Fridge Freshener…

You can watch the video below on Best Fridge Odor Absorber…

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