How To Grow Garlic Indoors In Containers

I read somewhere that indoor garlic plants do not mature as well as if you grew them outside, but with winter fast approaching, does one really have a choice anyway?

I also read somewhere that fall was the best time to plant garlic. I found this video earlier that shows the whole process, and it seems pretty straight forward. Just follow 7 simple steps and within a couple of months voila, you have your garlic ready to scare away any vampires.

How To Grow Garlic Indoors In Containers

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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • Garlic head
  • Large pot
  • Potting soil
  • Watering can
  • Fork or scissors

Here’s The Simple 7 Step Process:

  1. Buy some garlic head
  2. Fill your pot or container with soil
  3. Plant cloves in the pot.
  4. Place pot in sunlight
  5. Water your cloves
  6. Allow 3 – 6 months to mature
  7. Harvest your garlic

You can watch the full instructional video below…


Here are some additional tips – You want to purchase garlic with larger heads, they do better indoors. Place the container or pot in an area that is directly exposed to the sun. Water every few days in the first 14 days.

When the flowers start deteriorating and the tops begin turning yellow, your garlic is mature. Turban or Asiatic Artichokes – such as Chinese Purple or Asian Rose will mature the fastest, and Silverskins, like Rose du Var or Locati will take longer. Generally the larger the head, the longer it will take for it to cure.


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