Planting Garlic In Spring

When spring time arrives, it is time to prepare your garden for this summers harvest. It is also a great time to plant your spring garlic.

This a nice way to get you back into the gardening mood. Planting spring garlic does not require too much of your time and effort.

How To Plant Garlic In Spring
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Here’s What You’ll Need:

  • garlic bulbs
  • big mason jar
  • baking soda
  • liquid seaweed

Your garlic bulbs bust be broken into individual cloves, which must then be treated for at least two hours with the baking soda liquid seaweed mixture. This helps control bacteria and any fungi.

Find a spot in the garden with well drained soil to plant your garlic. Plant your garlic cloves with the flat ends pointing down. Water well for a couple of weeks and green shoots will start to emerge. Its harvesting time, when the shoots dry up.

You can follow step by step instructions on The Homesteading Hippy blog here…

How To Plant Garlic In Spring


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